Dr. Jason Kaup is enjoying the day at North Hart Elementary doing his PBIS walkthrough. If you see him today give him a high-five! #oneHARTbeat
over 3 years ago, Carly Adam
North Hart  Elem.
Virtual/In-Person School Nutrition Director Job-Alike with Jan Pearce today! Blended meetings are really helping us connect with more people!
over 3 years ago, Pioneer RESA
School Nutrition Director Job-Alike
Mental Health Job-Alike with Teresa Hearn today!
over 3 years ago, Pioneer RESA
Mental Health Job-Alike
We had so much fun yesterday that we didn't post 😎 -Dr. Mark Wilson and his Principal and AP group -Justin Old, Steve Miletto, Dr. Paul Shaw collaborating - Dr. Paul Shaw making his celebrity appearance in a recording - Jan Pearce leading TKES
over 3 years ago, Carly Adam
Dr. Mark Wilson with his Principal and AP Academy
Justin Old, Steve Milleto, and Paul Shaw
Recording Dr. Paul Shaw
Jan Pearce with TKES Course
PBIS 101 booster training today at Hart Co with Stephanie Guzman, District Coordinator.  Helpful, Accountable, Respectful, Teachable (H.A.R.T.)
over 3 years ago, Pioneer RESA
Hart County PBIS 101
Jan Black and Darlene Doster preparing for the Growing Readers kickoff last week!
over 3 years ago, Pioneer RESA
Growing Readers Kickoff Preparation
Gainesville City Schools PBIS Community Partners presentation yesterday with Elachee Nature Center, Boys and Girls Club of Lanier, and YMCA!
over 3 years ago, Pioneer RESA
Virtual Superintendent Job-Alike last Wednesday! We love collaborative efforts like this!
over 3 years ago, Pioneer RESA
Superintendent Job-Alike with Justin
Pioneer RESA is proud to partner with Dr. Mark Wilson to provide the Principal and Asst. Principal Academy for SY 21-22! Click here for more info: https://5il.co/xih7
over 3 years ago, Cole Sosebee
Good morning! Our first GACIS meeting is on Aug. 25th. If you haven’t had a chance to respond it’s not too late! I have attached a google form link below for you to complete: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdN9mydz4_OTddzPA0BH4Ra-hTf3skLQLHUYBdQTHiUoelYIQ/viewform?usp=sf_link You can join F2F at Pioneer RESA or through Zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83290513554?pwd=L1F1NW1QNlRsSmJBNVVjNmEzQnFRUT09 Can't wait to see you! -Jan
over 3 years ago, Pioneer RESA
Hey Everyone! Pioneer RESA has a few seats available for the new STEM Endorsement cohort that begins Sept. 6th. Visit https://5il.co/xptv for registration and endorsement information. If you have questions please contact Dr. Micheal Bush: mbush@pioneerresa.org
over 3 years ago, Cole Sosebee
Pioneer RESA is excited to offer many Job-Alike opportunities this year!! As you can see, we have lots to offer and hope you will participate in the sessions that fit your job responsibilities!!
over 3 years ago, Cole Sosebee
Special Education Directors in the Pioneer RESA region met with Dr. Charity Roberts Friday in a collaborative. These hard-working administrators are doing amazing things to support students with disabilities!
over 3 years ago, Cole Sosebee
SPED Collaborative
SPED Collaborative
Dawson County PBIS Booster for new team members and administrators.  Thank you to Dr. Darnell and Dr. Hand for coordinating our work today!
over 3 years ago, Cole Sosebee
Dawson County PBIS Booster
RESA Association meeting today!
over 3 years ago, Cole Sosebee
Justin RESA Association Meeting
Always enjoy collaborating with RESA Directors and DOE!
over 3 years ago, Cole Sosebee
Dr. Brown was recognized as the GSSA President this week! Definitely a proud moment for Pioneer RESA!
over 3 years ago, Cole Sosebee
Dr. Brown Recognition with Justin Old
Upcoming Mental Health Courses Visit www.pioneerresa.org for the Course Catalog and more info!
over 3 years ago, Pioneer RESA
mental health courses topics
Witnessed a wonderful after-school mini-PD led by https://twitter.com/rhayes_hayes A big takeaway for me was the she dedicated a couple of min to give schools/systems/EDUs "shoutouts." Trust me. Kids love this too.
over 3 years ago, Pioneer RESA
pioneer resa tech logo
Pioneer RESA is eagerly anticipating and preparing for awesome PD next year! https://twitter.com/brianbuffington/status/1398301852207308801
over 3 years ago, Pioneer RESA
pioneer resa twitter logo